Clocktower Stud
Ponies and Dogs

Clocktower Training for Dogs and Humans
Please call / email to discuss your requirements. Dr. Elaine Atkins 07989456233 / drelaineatkins@outlook.com
Dogs and horses are my passion. I have a lifetime's experience of owning, training, working and showing a variety of breeds of dogs, and owned the Tyheulog Gundogs kennel back in the 1980's and 90's, competing successfully in gundog working tests and winning some significant show awards too. I bred one of the very few Irish Water Spaniels ever to win a Field Trial award - the legendary Tyheulog Adarwr. These days I only have three dogs - a rescue American Cocker Spaniel, Ozzy, who has overcome some significant behavioural issues; Skye, a Golden Retriever bitch, and her home-bred Goldendoodle daughter, Tess, both of whom are gorgeous, healthy girls and love all animals and people.
a) General training
Private training session to result in a well-behaved dog is offered as follows:
wait / stay
door manners
greeting visitors
emergency stop
b) Gundog training is also available.
Social: https://www.facebook.com/Clocktowerdogtraining